Marcelo de Andrade

Chairman , ProNatura International

Why are the Campaign Ad Net Zero Awards important?

Over the last 40 years, I have dedicated my life to my mission. Between expeditions and developmental programs to the most challenging environments in the world, I have seen with my own eyes what humanity is capable of - the good and the bad. Humans are responsible for various creative solutions generating value and welfare for billions of people. However, our post-Industrial Revolution lifestyle is driving planet Earth to its limit. This developmental model, which has shown several signs of being unsustainable in recent decades, is generating never-seen levels of social unrest and violence, as well as compromising not just nature but also our ability to survive as a species.  The good news is that we still have time to reverse the situation and use our human genius and creativity, fuelled by the latest technologies and unprecedented volume of accumulated capital in the world, to discover a new path. A path where value isn't just generated, but shared amongst people; a path where wealth is generated by valuing people, valuing nature and its elements; a path where the systemic and complex relationship between people and the environment around us is taken into account with respect, pragmatism, and wisdom.  We have developed our contribution towards tackling this challenge by taking an innovative approach based on financial and operational engineering applied together to the bottom of the pyramid forming a new approach to blended finance and impact investing; a new asset class: Hyper Impact.  The time for action is now and communication and public awareness is crucial.

What are you looking for in winning entries?

Real results, well documented and audited.

What top tip would you give to this year's entrants?

Stick to what you are good at and bring the best technical help you can get to supply what you do not have a complete understanding, especially when linked to Net Zero, Climate and related themes.