OpenX: Path to Net-Zero
Following the complete replatforming of its business infrastructure to a cloud-native system, OpenX engaged leading international experts to create its first official Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory. OpenX contracted an accredited third-party verifier of GHG inventories to verify its accounting following international standards as well as its fulfillment of Natural Capital Partners (NCP) CarbonNeutral® protocol. The company chose to offset the remainder of its carbon emissions through high quality, verified carbon removal projects, and OpenX was the first adtech company certified as a CarbonNeutral® company by Natural Capital Partners. Additionally, OpenX’s commitment to the most ambitious Net-Zero targets allowed by the Science Backed Target initiative (SBTi) was formally approved, publicly recognizing OpenX’s climate leadership.
As one of less than 1,000 companies in the world to achieve carbon neutral certification, and one of very few to achieve such mass reductions of carbon emissions and meet the SBTi Net-Zero standard, OpenX is in the unique position to help marketers meet their own sustainability goals and help lead the advertising industry, through bold, tangible actions, to a more sustainable future.