MSQ: Leading the way in Sustainability
MSQ Partners
During this period we’ve appointed our own dedicated Chief Sustainability Officer, set approved formal near-term Science Based Targets (with a pledge to further halve our carbon emissions per head by 50% by 2024), planted over 130,000 trees as part of our Million Tree Pledge, launched a number of pioneering carbon emission schemes for our own staff to embrace (such as Giki and an EV lease hire scheme), implemented new sustainability-based client services as standard and engaged the wider marketing and procurement community through thought leadership, tools and, most importantly, by open-sourcing all our sustainability work so they can make progress in their own way too.
We’ve documented our journey in our very own public 2022 MSQ Sustainability Report, a transparent progress update that we believe all businesses serious about their sustainability journey should produce. And through our new dedicated division MSQ/Sustain, we’ve worked with some of the industry’s most influential sustainability NGOs, had a strong presence at COP26 and have rolled out Sustainability Councils both at MSQ and through BIMA, both of which are co-chaired by our Chief Sustainability Officer.